12 March, 2019
SIDE EVENT Women Delivering Justice: Investing in Women Justice Professionals for the Achievement of the 2030 Agenda
The equal and effective participation of women in all aspects of justice delivery is a human right and a crucial element of good governance, reaffirmed by Sustainable Development Goals 5 (gender equality and women’s empowerment) and 16 (peace, justice and strong...
14 January, 2019
Navigating complex pathways towards justice for all
On the eve of the Task Force on Justice Partner Forum, we cordially invite you to participate in the launch event and actively contribute to the dialogue on the engagement between formal and customary and informal justice systems. Invited justice leaders from Kenya and Kyrgyzstan will share national experiences and insights on...
16 November, 2018
The forthcoming Annual Meeting of the Assembly of Parties and Partnership Forum 2018 will take place on November 20 and 21, 2018.
The Assembly of Parties is IDLO's highest decision-making body. It is composed of Representatives of all Member Parties, which are signatories to the Establishment Agreement of IDLO, with the regular session held...
29 October, 2018
Justice for women: Making the case for action, investment and change
As part of the Law, Justice and Development Week 2018 – “Rights, Protection and Development”, this event within the conference will highlight how justice for women is indispensable not only for the promotion and protection of women’s basic rights and the realization of gender equality, but more broadly, for the...
17 October, 2018
Enabling justice for women - Strategic and practical lessons on gender integration in rule of law and justice programming
In many parts of the world, justice for women remains an illusion. There exists an enormous gap between the needs of women and girls and the response delivered by rule of law and justice programs. Integrating a gender approach in justice programming is crucial to addressing...
25 September, 2018
Panel discussion – Is the law with us or against us?: The role of law in restricting or strengthening women’s economic rights
While women have made great strides in bringing about gender-responsive laws, available evidence consistently points to serious gaps in ensuring legal protection for women and girls. Recent figures have shown that inadequate legal protection affects over 2.5...
4 September, 2018
Dialogue on Electoral Justice: Exploring approaches for effective dispute resolution
Electoral justice is a key concern for both emerging and consolidated democracies. As a competition for political power, elections invite disputes at all stages of the electoral cycle and judicial redress is a fundamental element for the effective protection of civil and political rights.
Despite efforts to...
23 July, 2018
Since 2015, IDLO has been managing the Indonesia-Netherlands Rule of Law Fund (RoLF) program, which builds on Indonesian development plans and continues the efforts of the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Jakarta to support the consolidation of the rule of law and reform agenda. The primary objective of the RoLF is to support the development of...
6 June, 2018
Equality for women and girls is a right in itself and is being advanced by Goals 5 and 16 of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. An increasing number of international policy and legal instruments affirm that access to justice is not only essential to equality for women and girls, but is central to the enjoyment of other rights and critical to achieving...
29 May, 2018
Global Peer-to-Peer Dialogue on Human Rights, Biodiversity and SDGs
The diversity of all forms of life on our planet and healthy ecosystems providing ecosystem services, such as provision of food, pollination of crops and fulfilment of people’s cultural life, are necessary for enjoying a broad range of universal human rights including the right to food, right to health and cultural rights...