28 July, 2020
Trafficking in persons (TIP) is one of the most serious crimes and a severe human rights violation. Trafficking affects women, men and children and victims regularly face multiple forms of exploitation and violence. Trafficking in persons often involves practices such as slavery, sexual exploitation, child labor, forced labor and forced marriage which are themselves violations of basic...
1 July, 2020
A Series of Online Consultations on Crisis Governance and the Rule of Law
The Crisis Governance Forum will host a series of multi-stakeholder dialogues for sharing insights, experiences and solutions among policymakers and practitioners at all levels involved in the COVID-19 crisis management.
A main focus of the speakers' interventions, and of the interactive dialogue that...
30 June, 2020
There is increasing evidence that the ongoing global pandemic of COVID-19 is fueling widespread violations of women’s rights, including elevated risks of domestic violence and other forms of gender-based violence (GBV). At the same time, the increase in GBV cases has been accompanied by a decrease in the capacity of the justice sector to respond to the rights and...
24 November, 2020
The forthcoming Annual Meeting of the Assembly of Parties will take place on 24 November 2020.
The Assembly of Parties is IDLO's highest decision-making body. It is composed of Representatives of all Member Parties, which are signatories to the Establishment Agreement of IDLO, with the regular session held in Rome each year.
16 March, 2020
SIDE EVENT Women Delivering Justice: What's Next for SDG 16.7 and Women Justice Professionals
As the world commemorates twenty-five years of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action (BPFA), women continue to struggle for equal representation in justice sectors around the world. Although women justice professionals have been making incremental headway in achieving gender parity, ...
10 March, 2020
SIDE EVENT Women and Customary and Informal Justice Systems: Engagement and Action
Around the world, people claim rights and resolve disputes and grievances through a range of justice mechanisms. In many settings, however, it is estimated that 80-90 per cent of disputes are dealt with outside the formal courts. Women, among others, often resort to customary and informal justice systems (...
11 March, 2020
SIDE EVENT Justice for Women and Girls - From BPFA to SDGs: Moving from Commitments to Outcomes
Justice for women and girls is at the core of 2030 Agenda. It provides a foundation for more sustainable and inclusive development and is essential to the aspiration of the Beijing Platform for Action to ensure gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls everywhere...
2 March, 2020
East Africa Regional Forum - Alternative Dispute Resolution & Customary and Informal Justice: Advancing SDG16 and Pathways to Justice
IDLO, together with the Government of Kenya and the International Commission of Jurists have convened a prominent line-up of leading African lawyers and legal thought leaders to the East Africa Regional Forum in Nairobi 2-3 March 2020. The Forum is...
27 February, 2020
ROUNDTABLE PANEL: Gender-based Violence Survivors at the Core of Justice Programming
Gender-based violence (GBV) against women and girls remains one of the most pressing justice challenges of our times and the most widespread violation of women’s human rights. The WHO estimates that intimate partner violence, which is the most prevalent form of gender-based violence, affects one in three women...
7 November, 2019
EVENT - Linking Peace, Justice and Development through Good Governance in the SDGs: The Role of Independent Oversight
The event will focus on the crucial role of independent oversight institutions in delivering peace and security, rule of law and justice, and good governance as envisaged in Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 16. Highlighting the catalytic nature of SDG 16 for the wider 2030...