LJD Week 2018 | Justice for women
Justice for women: Making the case for action, investment and change
Gender inequality is an affront to human dignity, a challenge to the rule of law and an obstacle to development. Denying women of their rightful place in society – by depriving them of equal access to education, justice or livelihood – means robbing societies of the talent and potential of half of their members. In securing every social need from peace to food, the role of women has been shown to be paramount.
Although gender equality is increasingly a feature of national Constitutions, the law often continues to restrict women's rights and freedoms, dictates their submission to male relatives, or limits what they may own or inherit.
Justice for women: Making the case for action, investment and change
Enabling justice for women - Strategic and practical lessons on gender integration in rule of law and justice programming
39th Session of the Human Rights Council: Annual discussion on the integration of a gender perspective throughout the work of the Human Rights Council and that of its mechanisms
Room XX, Palais des Nations, Geneva, Switzerland
Panel discussion – Is the law with us or against us?: The role of law in restricting or strengthening women’s economic rights
El acceso de las mujeres a la justicia es esencial para cumplir una aspiración clave de la Agenda 2030 para el Desarrollo Sostenible: no dejar a nadie atrás.
La justice pour les femmes est indispensable à la réalisation d’un des principaux objectifs du Programme de développement durable à l’horizon 2030 : veiller à ne laisser personne de côté.
Born and raised in Portstewart, Northern Ireland, Justice Teresa Doherty spent 11 years as the only woman to hold high judicial office in the Pacific Islands.
Lack of legal awareness, insufficient access to lawyers and justice mechanisms perceived as ineffective or unaffordable are among the obstacles most commonly experienced by women entrepreneurs in Jordan when attempting to access justice, according to the findings of a baseline assessment presented yesterday in Amman by the European Bank for Re
Policy Statements
Policy Statements