International Development Law Organization

Human Rights

Human rights and the rule of law are not synonymous, but they do overlap and function symbiotically. In the words of UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, they "represent universally applicable standards adopted under the auspices of the United Nations and must therefore serve as the normative basis for all United Nations activities in support of justice and the rule of law."

To summarize, the stronger human rights, the stronger the rule of law. Together, they form a framework for decision- and policy-making that is anchored by legality, accountability and participation. In this, they create a fertile ground for development and social transformation.

HRC37 | High level segment

37th Session of the Human Rights Council: High level segment


February 28, 2018

Room XX, Palais des Nations


Delivered by Irene Khan, Director-General, IDLO

Mr. President,


Distinguished Delegates,

Jóvenes de Chamelecón: talento fotográfico que promueve el acceso a la justicia

San Pedro Sula, 15 de febrero de 2018 – En 35 fotografías, que integran la exposición fotográfica “Pixeles de Vida”, un grupo de jóvenes del sector de Chamelecón en San Pedro Sula, Honduras, capturaron la realidad de su comunidad, mostrando una población dinámica y perseverante, que lucha contra un historial de violencia.


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