International Development Law Organization


30 October, 2014

​Cooperation between government and civil society is crucial in securing rights for people living with HIV, a UNDP- and IDLO-sponsored meeting was told.

28 October, 2014

IDLO, in partnership with the International Criminal Court (ICC) and selected judicial training institutes and bar associations of francophone West Africa, has organized a pilot regional training seminar for defense counsel and other legal professionals in Dakar, Senegal. 

28 October, 2014

"The fight against corruption is of capital importance," Tunisia's Minister of Justice Hafedh Ben Salah told IDLO. Mr Ben Salah, whose portfolio includes Human Rights and Transitional Justice, said one could not "rebuild and renovate on unhealthy foundations".

8 October, 2014

An October 4 Police and HIV Consultation in Amsterdam issued a fervent call to promote partnerships between all those at the intersection between law enforcement and HIV – police and other law enforcement agencies, people living with and affected by HIV, and those providing care, treatment and suppor

4 October, 2014

El sábado 4 de octubre de 2014, los jóvenes que colaboran con los Centros de Acceso a la Justicia de Buenos Aires capital, presentarán en el Barrio Carlos Mugica (Villa 31), el vídeo titulado “No te cuelgues”, producido en el marco de un proyecto de acceso al derecho ejecutado por IDLO en colaboración con el Ministerio de Justicia argentino y financiado por la Unión Europea a través del Program

23 September, 2014

Delegates from Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Venezuela will attend a three-day workshop on HIV-related services in the Andean region from September 23-25, 2014.

22 September, 2014

The first World Conference on Indigenous Peoples has opened at the United Nations in New York, amid hopes that the forthcoming Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) w

9 September, 2014

In August 2014 IDLO and the Constitutional Cout of Ecuador signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) establishing a framework of cooperation for the achievement of common puroposes. Activities implemented under the MOU will contribute to strengthening constitutional justice in Ecuador and to improve the Court’s effectiveness and visibility nationally and regionally.

31 August, 2014

Algunos de los jóvenes que colaboran con los Centros de Acceso a la Justicia instalados por el Ministerio de Justicia argentino en las villas y barrios populares de Buenos Aires capital, recorrieron la semana pasada las calles de la Villa 31 informando a los vecinos sobre un festival que se realizará en el barrio el día sábado 4 de octubre de 2014. 

23 August, 2014
Masooma’s Sunrise saw the light between June and August 2014. The comic booklet project originated within IDLO’s National Justice Sector Strategy (NJSS) support program.
