Masooma’s Sunrise saw the light between June and August 2014. The comic booklet project originated within IDLO’s National Justice Sector Strategy (NJSS) support program. It aims to give the Afghan public an understanding of their rights, as well as to popularize the IDLO-supported Women Protection Centers: these serve as refuges from gender violence and give victims the necessary business skills to rebuild their lives. The booklet will be used by the Ministry of Justice’s legal awareness officers to promote behavior change in all of Afghanistan’s provinces; by the Women’s Centers in their own training activities; and by local and international partners working to promote women’s rights and pro-women laws.
The production process involved identifying through open bidding an Afghan creative production company. The Tea House Consultancy was selected. This was followed by a creative workshop in which Tea House, Ministry of Justice and IDLO staff sketched out the storyline. We worked closely with Tea House’s graphic artist in ensuring the story addressed anti-violence awareness, knowledge, attitudes and behaviors. Before final production, the booklet was pre-tested with targeted women, men and boys, and the Ministry of Women's Affairs, and corrections factored in.
Beneficiaries have praised the accessibility of Masooma’s Sunrise to illiterate audiences, especially in rural areas. Special thanks go to Mohammad Shahid Aria, who represented the Afghan Ministry of Justice in the project’s conceptualization and development.
Click here to read the Women Protection Center Comic Book translated into English.