Organisation Internationale de Droit du Développement

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Mongolia’s investment climate is chronically undermined by poor enforcement of rulings. In an effort to improve the enforcement rate, IDLO has been helping strengthen the Mongolian General Executive Agency of Court Decisions by...
Jan Beagle is the Director-General of the International Development Law Organization (IDLO). She...
The Legal Preparedness for Achieving the Aichi Biodiversity Targets Initiative was launched in 2012 by IDLO and the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity. The Initiative provides a central hub for stakeholders and experts to share...
The Initiative is supported by a multiple donors and partners working collaboratively to achieve its objectives. CBD Secretariat: The Secretariat is the global focal point for Convention for Biological Diversity, responsible for facilitating...
This is one of our partners.
IDLO is supporting Afghanistan’s National Justice Sector Strategy to improve the quality and delivery of justice and legal services in line with constitutional, Shari’a and international standards. We have assisted in the development of various...
For more than a decade, we have been working with developing and transition economies to help them comply with their obligations under the WTO Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS). South Africa is the latest...
In 2011, IDLO opened an office in Dushanbe, with the stated aim of giving the entire Tajik judiciary a grounding in commercial law. To this end, we have partnered with the Supreme Court of Tajikistan, the Council of Justice and the Judicial Training...
In late 2010, Montenegro was officially recognized as a European Union candidate country. Two years later, formal talks opened. As Montenegro negotiates accession, IDLO has been working to expand the capacity of the country’s judiciary in commercial...
Ongoing reform of its energy legal framework has made Kenya a regional leader in promoting policies and laws that encourage sustainable investment in energy development the sector The country, however, still struggles to meet its energy demands....
Mozambique, Tanzania and Zambia are rich in forests, land and minerals, but have struggled to derive development benefits from these natural resources. Although land use investments can activate economic, social and environmental progress (such as...
Climate change is threatening to reverse Kenya’s progress on poverty reduction and exacerbate economic and social inequality. In order to build resilience and outline a low-carbon approach to development, IDLO has assisted the Kenyan Government...
In 2011, IDLO and IFAD began assessing Mexico’s climate regulations at the federal and state level. The aim was to enhance local capacity to stimulate climate-positive reform and development. With the world’s first Legal Preparedness for...
IDLO has conducted a three-year project to strengthen the legal environment for the response to HIV in Papua New Guinea. Under the project, the PNG Development Law Association was established as the country's first non-governmental legal aid...
Tolerance of minorities (religious, sexual or otherwise) remains low in Egypt and other Middle Eastern and North African countries. People living with HIV are among the groups facing most discrimination. The virus is associated with stigmatized...


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