Organisation Internationale de Droit du Développement
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BANGLADESH: Promoting Healthy Diets and Physical Activity in Bangladesh

Under the second phase of the Global Regulatory and Fiscal Capacity Building Programme (RECAP II), this sub-project aims to contribute to an enabling legal and policy environment that promotes healthy diets and physical activity through sensitization and policy advocacy for the prevention and reduction of non-communicable diseases in Bangladesh.

BANGLADESH: Promoting an Enabling Environment for Healthy Diets and Physical Activity to Combat NCDs through Social Mobilization and Awareness Raising

This sub-project aimed to contribute to an enabling legal and policy environment promoting healthy diets and physical activity through social mobilization and awareness-raising. In order to inform policy and decision makers about the need to adopt appropriate legislation in this area, the Center for Law and Policy Affairs (CLPA) developed two (2) policy briefs and conducted social media campaigns on relevant legal, regulatory, and fiscal frameworks.

Global RECAP: Capacity building to prevent NCDs

Non-communicable diseases (NCDs) kill 15 million people between the ages of 30 and 69, and over 86 per cent of these "premature" deaths occur in low- and middle-income countries.The economic impact, including loss of income by people harmed by NCDs, the costs of treatment, and the impacts on families threaten international development. Through regulation and fiscal reforms, countries can promote healthy diets, physical activity, and other initiatives reducing the prevalence and harms of NCDs. 

Key Initiatives

  • Non-communicable diseases (NCDs) kill 15 million people between the ages of 30 and 69, and over 86 per cent of these "premature" deaths occur in low- and middle-income countries.The economic impact, including loss of income by people harmed by NCDs, the costs of treatment, and the impacts on families threaten international development. Through regulation and fiscal reforms, countries can promote healthy diets, physical activity, and other initiatives reducing the prevalence and harms of NCDs. 
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