IDLO has been working with the government of Kyrgyzstan to establish a functional, credible and transparent legal system since the adoption of the 2010 Constitution.
Despite many positive developments over the last four years, the rule of law sector continues to face problems; inadequate financing risks undermining judicial independence and makes access to justice a challenge.
Under a USAID-funded Judicial Strengthening Program, we are working to develop the capacity of the judiciary and restore judicial integrity, supporting the reforms towards judicial independence, including financial independence. IDLO has supported the development and adoption of a National Target Program (NTP) for the Development of the Judiciary, which has doubled budgetary allocations for the judiciary for the first time since the country’s independence.
As a partner to an EU-funded consortium led by GIZ, we are also working on e-justice and the rollout of an electronic case management system, which will contribute to the overall quality of court operations, accountability and publicity of trials.