Tunisia enjoys the second-highest human development score in Africa. Since the one-party regime was overthrown in late 2011, the country has embarked on a tortuous transition towards democracy. A new progressive constitution was approved in early 2014, consolidating women's rights and bringing innovations in a number of areas, including open government, state decentralization and sustainable use of natural resources.
Enhancing Women's Protection Against Gender-Based Violence
While Tunisia has long served as a regional model of women’s rights, actual implementation of the Constitution’s provisions on women’s rights and the eradication of all forms of gender-based violence (GBV) remains a challenge.
Highlighting Children's Rights at the World Bank
"The issue of justice for children is critical in this volatile region," IDLO's Dr. Faustina Pereira told participants to a Middle East and North Africa-themed gathering hosted by the World Bank.
Supporting Tunisia's Magistrates
Reforming the judicial system in transition countries is one – crucial – task. Another involves equipping the system with appropriate tools for transnational co-operation.
Tunisia: A Window of Opportunity
As Tunisia’s new government marks 100 days in office, cementing the transition to democracy, the focus for international intervention now moves to a longer-term perspective. With this in mind, IDLO has conducted a mission to Tunis to assess emerging needs and discuss the support the organization could offer.
Tunisia Minister: On Women's Rights, Path is Chosen
Today, November 25th, the world marks the International Day for the Eliminate of Violence Against Women.
IDLO and Tunisia's War on Graft
"The fight against corruption is of capital importance," Tunisia's Minister of Justice Hafedh Ben Salah told IDLO. Mr Ben Salah, whose portfolio includes Human Rights and Transitional Justice, said one could not "rebuild and renovate on unhealthy foundations".
Child Justice in the Middle East and North Africa
IDLO has partnered with UNICEF to gain a deeper understanding of the use of diversion and alternative measures to detention for children in conflict with the law. This seven-month project in Jordan, Sudan and Tunisia will conclude in 2015.
Key Initiatives
A strong regime of intellectual property (IP) law is crucial for fostering increased investment and innovation in key sectors of the economy. In recent years Tunisia has focused on building and implementing a policy for attracting foreign investment. Following the adoption of the new constitution, many laws regulating the economy were revised and a new investment code was adopted. The Tunisian government has also strengthened the legal framework for protecting IP, by acceding to the majority of treaties relating to IP and passing several laws on these matters.