International Development Law Organization
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IDLO Progress Report 2017

Date of Publication: 
Monday, October 8, 2018
About This Publication: 

In 2017, IDLO began to implement its new Strategic Plan covering the 2017-2020 period - Strategy 2020. This report is an internal review of the first year of Strategy 2020 as set out in the 2017 Management Plan (MP2017), pending a more comprehensive independent mid-term evaluation in 2019. Drawing from a range of internal and external resources, this report highlights the results, opportunities, and challenges of IDLO’s programs, research, advocacy, and organizational reforms in 2017. The action undertaken by IDLO in 2017, including the commitment to learn, adapt and invest in its people, has yielded solid and sustainable results. This has allowed it to evolve into a stronger development actor committed to delivering transformative change for the advancement of rule of law and the achievement of the 2030 Agenda.
