International Development Law Organization

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United Nations General Assembly – Legal Committee (6th Committee): “The Rule of Law at the National and International Levels” Mr. Chairman, As the only global intergovernmental organization exclusively devoted to advancing the rule of law...
The assistance of the Investment Support Programme for Least Developed Countries (ISP/LDCs) has led to a successful outcome in the investor-state arbitration involving The Gambia and a foreign investor concerning two offshore petroleum licenses....
Legal Empowerment, Social Accountability and HIV Prevention for Young Women and Girls: Lessons from...
Event Date
19 October, 2020
WEBINAR  | 23 October 2020 |  14:00 – 15:30 Rome​ |  8:00 – 9:30 New York​  Justice for Women and Girls: Moving from Commitment to Action Amidst COVID-19 Justice for women and girls is at the core...
On World Food Day, IDLO joins the international community in its call to ensure and promote access to safe and nutritious food globally and for all. This year’s celebrations take place in the backdrop of unprecedented global challenges. The COVID...
People have watched the novel coronavirus and its disease COVID-19 spread across countries and continents, and many governments have taken difficult decisions to impose restrictive emergency measures aimed at saving lives, protecting national health...
I am pleased to welcome you to this World Leadership Dialogue, which is organised by IDLO, the World Health Organization, and the O’Neill Institute for National and Global Health Law at Georgetown University. My name is Jan Beagle, and I am the...
Professor Signorelli, Dr Azzopardi Muscat, fellow panelists and distinguished Congress delegates, It is a great pleasure to address the 16th World Congress on Public Health. IDLO is the only global intergovernmental organisation exclusively...
United Nations General Assembly – Economic and Financial Committee (2nd Committee) General Debate: “Building Back Better after COVID-19: Ensuring a more Equitable Global Economy, Inclusive Societies and Sustainable Recovery” Mr. Chairman, The...
Event Date
8 October, 2020
REGIONAL WEBINAR Access to Justice in the Context of COVID-19 in East Africa: Experiences from Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania and Rwanda The declaration of COVID-19 as a public health emergency forced governments around the world to implement...
Excellencies, I appreciate this opportunity to contribute to the discussions at this High-level Meeting on Accelerating Gender Equality 25 years after Beijing. I was fortunate to have participated in the Fourth World Conference on Women in...
Annual Discussion on the Integration of a Gender Perspective Throughout the Work of the Human Rights Council and that of its Mechanisms Gender and Diversity: Strengthening the Intersectional Perspective in the Work of the...


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