Lenny N. Rosalin is the Deputy Minister for Child Growth and Development within Indonesia’s Ministry of Women’s Empowerment and Child Protection. Since joining the Ministry in 2007, she has worked on various portfolios including violence against women, ‘child-friendly cities’ and protection of women laborers. She is now in charge of child growth and development.
Le Mali continue à endurer les attaques de groupes armés qui créent dans le pays un climat de conflit et de volatilité.
NEW YORK — Sustainable Development Goal 16, aimed at achieving peaceful, inclusive societies and access to justice for all by 2030, remains far off-track for completion by the target date of 2030.
Peace without justice doesn’t exist: conversations with Sima Samar, chair of the Independent Afghanistan Human Rights Commission and with Mohammad Farid Hamidi, Attorney General of Afghanistan
Kristomo Constantinus: mobilizing partnerships and boosting innovation as keys to achieve SDG 16 in Indonesia
Justice based on human rights is crucial in Honduras.
Justice Albie Sachs, former judge on South Africa’s Constitutional Court and current member of IDLO’s International Advisory Council, has spent his lifetime fighting for freedom and equality.
Strong rule of law institutions are crucial for preventing conflicts and building peace. Effectively promoting the rule of law requires sustained and context-sensitive engagement, quick wins, grassroots partnerships and empowered citizens. Such work needs to involve informal justice mechanisms, combat violence against women and stay engaged during all phases of conflict.
By Michel Nussbaumer, Director, Legal Transition Team, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and Margarita Milikh, Regional Program Manager, Eastern Europe and Central Asia, International Development Law Organization. This piece originally appeared in the ALIFDO Gazette Winter 2018 Edition.