Organisation Internationale de Droit du Développement

Legal Tools for Healthy Diets and Physical Activity

In 2014 IDLO signed agreements with the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Caribbean Public Health Agency (CARPHA) to build legal capacity to address public health challenges. The initial focus is on obesity, diabetes, healthy diets and physical activity. Also in 2014, IDLO, the WHO and the University of Sydney convened the first regional consultation on overweight, obesity, diabetes and law in the Western Pacific.

IDLO will support further regional consultations and national capacity building of government, academic and civil society partners to strengthen national legal frameworks and capacity to address NCDs. Programs will be tailored to regional and national needs. In 2016, IDLO will host a thematic day on the rule of law and NCDs for the UN Task Force on the Prevention and Control of NCDs, in collaboration with UNDP and WHO. The discussion will explore the lessons from the global human rights-based response to HIV for the current epidemic of NCDs.
