Organisation Internationale de Droit du Développement
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The consultations on, and final form of, what has become known as the 2030 Agenda have made one thing clear: the imperatives of inclusivity, equity and justice are central to the global pursuit for sustainable development. The space for a genuine dialogue about human rights and democratic governance has opened up. This is timely: around the world, the grassroots demand for justice and the rule of law is growing ever more vocal. Substantial investment is now required to satisfy this demand -- not least, through the type of legal frameworks, institutional capacity and legal empowerment that IDLO has long advocated and helped implement.

Explore our work around Post-2015: 

Romania, 25 Years On: ‘We Didn’t Know What Rule of Law Meant.’

Romania is preparing to swear in a new President, Klaus Iohannis, this weekend [December 21]. The election as head of state of a man from an ethnic and religious minority – Mr. Iohannis is a German-speaking Lutheran – has been hailed as evidence of democratic maturity in a region still marked, in places, by conflict, ethnic bias and authoritarian backsliding.

Knowledge Café: Rule of Law Contributions to the Post-2015 Development Agenda

Guided by leading experts, this 'Knowledge Café' provides participants with an opportunity to discuss practical ways in which the rule of law contributes to specific dimensions of sustainable development, and to participate in an interactive dialogue on how this contribution should be incorporated into the post-2015 development agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).


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