9:00am – 5:00pm
Red Room, FAO Headquarters, Rome, Italy
Achieving a Transformative Post-2015 Development Agenda: The Contribution of the Rule of Law to Equity and Sustainability A conference convened by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in the context of Italy’s Presidency of the Council of the European Union, in collaboration with IDLO.
The rule of law is relevant to all three dimensions – social, economic and environmental - of sustainable development as conceived at the Rio +10 Conference. It empowers the poor by giving them a voice in lawmaking. By ensuring the rights of communities as well as business owners and by strengthening institutions, the rule of law enhances economic sustainability. By focusing on equal opportunity and non-discrimination, it promotes social inclusion. And by strengthening participatory frameworks to protect and manage resources, the rule of law nurtures environmental stewardship and food security.
The conference will address challenges and opportunities in integrating the rule of law in the Post-2015 Development Agenda, so as to place inclusivity, equity and justice at the center of the global pursuit for sustainable development.
The conference will be composed of:
- a high-level opening session on “The Sustainability of Development: Human Rights and Justice as the Foundation”, which will feature a keynote address and opening statements by high-level speakers; followed by
- a panel discussion on “Shifting the Development Paradigm: The Contribution of the Rule of Law”, focusing on the contribution of the rule of law to the sustainable development agenda through strengthening laws and courts, building institutions, empowering women, eradicating poverty and promoting social inclusion;
- a panel discussion on “Achieving Food Security: Ensuring Sustainability through the Rule of Law”, exploring the connection between the rule of law, food security and nutrition, with emphasis on land tenure, environmental protection and the right to food; and
- a high-level interactive closing session to conclude the conference.
Kindly RSVP to ogarcia@idlo.int by Friday 11 July 2014.