Organisation Internationale de Droit du Développement

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Two years after becoming the world’s newest nation in 2011, South Sudan was plunged into fresh fighting. The conflict between government and rebel forces has displaced at least one-and-half million people. Some two-and-a-half million...
Event Date
9 mars, 2015
"Peace and justice cannot exist without a full realization of women's rights," The Hague Deputy Mayor Ingrid K. van Engelshoven told fellow panelists at a roundtable in the city. There was an ever-present need for what she called a...
On 20 February 2014, in the Bruno Volta district of Santiago del Estero, Argentina, youths working for the local “Access to Justice Center” kicked off their own campaign against institutional violence, and in particular against the ill-treatment...
As many as 80 lawyers, lecturers and civil society representatives have completed an IDLO-supported, three-month rule of law course in Myanmar -- to find their achievements commended by veteran pro-democracy activist and Nobel...
The EU has called on candidate country Montenegro to intensify efforts to consolidate the rule of law, fight organized crime and reduce corruption. The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) has meanwhile...
It was Valentine’s day – a time for celebrating love and friendship for many - but in Kunduz province Afghanistan, a newly-wed pregnant woman lost her baby, reportedly, in a brutal exorcism carried out by a local mullah. Local media reports say...
During a private event in Davos, Switzerland on 22 January 2015, UN Deputy Secretary-General Jan Eliasson stressed that “the rule of law is crucial for sustainable development, human rights, peace and security”. Convened by IDLO, United Nations...
IDLO Director-General Irene Khan met Mongolian President Tsakhiagiin Elbegdorj and Minister of Foreign Affairs Purevsuren Lundeg in Davos, Switzerland on 22 January 2015, to strengthen collaboration.   IDLO has been working with the Mongolian...
Languages: English, Português It’s a sunny day in Cidade de Deus – or CDD as it’s known to its residents. As we browse through stalls selling mangoes, chicken drumsticks and second-hand mobile phones in the open air market, a colleague recalls...
In its latest report on Montenegro’s progress towards EU membership, the European Commission has highlighted the need to strengthen the capacity of the country’s agency tasked with enforcing competition law. Cartels and abuse of dominance, the...
Romania is preparing to swear in a new President, Klaus Iohannis, this weekend [December 21]. The election as head of state of a man from an ethnic and religious minority – Mr. Iohannis is a German-speaking Lutheran – has been hailed as evidence of...
IDLO is hosting a customary justice workshop in Mogadishu this week in conjunction with the Somali Ministry of Justice and Constitutional Affairs. Taking part are elders from four districts of Somalia. They are discussing clan responsibility versus...
Event Date
9 décembre, 2014
Roundtable: THE RULE OF LAW, CLIMATE JUSTICE & SUSTAINABLE LAND USE  Tools for Equity, Certainty and Transparency in the Post-2015 Development Agenda Tuesday, December 09, 2014, 4:45 p.m.- 6:15 p.m.  UNFCCC Convention Centre...


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