IDLO March Offensive: Rangita de Silva
Women's Access to Justice
IDLO Work in Afghanistan
About IDLO
Fair Trade & Empowering Rural People
Interview with Dr. Willy Mutunga
Interview with Dr. Sima Samar
IDLO Signs Seat Agreement for Branch Office in The Hague
THE HAGUE – Lilianne Ploumen, Minister of Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation of the Netherlands and Irene Khan, Director-General of the International Development Law Organization (IDLO), signed the Seat Agreement for the establishment of a Branch Office of IDLO in The Hague.
IDLO & Biodiversity : Not Just the Birds and the Bees
“Biodiversity is not about saving one plant or bird at a time.”
So what is it about?
“Linkages,” explains IDLO’s Yolanda Saito, before pointing out that we should stop worrying about this or that cuddly species, and focus on the whole.
Policy Statements