International Development Law Organization



Despite the substantial and steady decrease of murder rates in recent years, Honduras still faces grave security challenges. According to the National Autonomous University Observatory of Violence, the murder rate of the city of San Pedro Sula, the country's economic center, was 56,2 per 100.000 people in 2017, above the national average. Within the city, the neighborhoods of Chamelecón, Rivera Hernandez and Satélite are by far the most challenging, with limited police presence and strong impact of national gangs. The context of multisided violence has posed escalating security risks for women in their homes and on the streets. Domestic, intrafamilial and gender-based violence are constantly reported as some of the main causes of migration and internal displacement in the last decade. To address these issues, IDLO is supporting Honduras institutions through technical assistance to develop targeted legislation on the relevant topics and is working to reduce homicides through strengthened access to justice for women, children and other victims of violence.

Jóvenes de Chamelecón: talento fotográfico que promueve el acceso a la justicia

San Pedro Sula, 15 de febrero de 2018 – En 35 fotografías, que integran la exposición fotográfica “Pixeles de Vida”, un grupo de jóvenes del sector de Chamelecón en San Pedro Sula, Honduras, capturaron la realidad de su comunidad, mostrando una población dinámica y perseverante, que lucha contra un historial de violencia.

Honduras invierte para una mejor rehabilitación de personas privadas de libertad

Reconociendo la necesidad de armonizar los servicios y el tratamiento de su población carcelaria, el gobierno de Honduras ha aumentado el presupuesto asignado a los servicios de personas privadas de libertad - como la atención médica y psicológica, la educación, la asistencia legal y el apoyo de profesionales de trabajo social - para lograr una rehabilitación y reintegración más efectiva de las

IDLO entrega a la Municipalidad modelo de respuesta institucional a la violencia

San Pedro Sula, 21 de noviembre, 2017 – La Organización Internacional de Derecho para el Desarrollo, IDLO por su sigla en inglés, entrega el día de hoy una herramienta integral para fortalecer la respuesta a nivel local en materia de acceso a derechos de las personas vulnerables víctimas de la violencia en los ámbitos de vida y convivencia del Municipio de San Pedro Sula.


Key Initiatives

  • The COVID-19 pandemic poses a significant threat to the right to food for populations, and especially for marginalized groups. In many countries, COVID-19 is intertwining with pre-existing factors affecting food security and nutrition, by limiting the access to affordable and nutritious food, including lack of economic opportunities, extreme weather conditions, ongoing conflicts and more.
  • As part of IDLO’s continuous commitment to accountability and results-based management, IDLO is pleased to share this Mid-Term Evaluation Brief for the project, “Reducing Violence and Homicide through Access to Justice in Chamelecon, Satelite and Rivera Hernandez Neighborhoods of San Pedro Sula, Honduras”. The evaluation has been conducted by independent evaluation experts, supervised by IDLO’s Evaluation Unit.
  • IDLO is working with the European Union’s EUROsociAL II program in Honduras to aid and empower women who are victims of domestic violence. With the country’s judiciary, we have created the Centro de Atención y Protección de los Derechos de la Mujer (CAPRODEM), a women’s center providing orientation and legal assistance for female victims in Tegucigalpa. IDLO has played a key role in drafting the internal and functional guidelines for the Center and helped build the capacity of those involved. CAPRODEM is expected to be replicated in other regions of Honduras.
  • With a view to replacing a culture of violence in Honduras with one of legality, IDLO has outlined a program to reduce violent acts and homicides through better access to justice. Work, carried out in partnership with national institutions and civil society organizations, will focus specifically on vulnerable groups, including women, children, youth and people in detention.  The program is financed by the US Department of State. 
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