Access to information: critical for rule of law
Languages: English, Italian

Public trust and confidence in justice sector institutions is key to investment and commercial transactions, and necessary for sustainable development and social change. IDLO is engaged in programming that enhances the integrity and capacity of such institutions to promote good governance by holding State and other constituencies, including the private sector, accountable, ultimately leading to people’s confidence in the laws and institutions that are meant to serve them.
Languages: English, Italian
IDLO is pleased to announce its membership to the International Aid Transparency Initiative (IATI), a voluntary, multi-stakeholder initiative that seeks to improve the transparency of aid, development, and humanitarian resources.
Access to judicial decisions, including commercial law decisions, whether for Tajik judges, lawyers, or representatives of international investors, is currently highly limited, due to a lack of a publicly accessible database. This impacts the ability of all parties to refer to past case law in making decisions — whether judicial or commercial.
In Burundi, land tenure registration is the primary way for the government to deal with the large number of land disputes across the country. A series of pilot programs aimed at resolving land rights issues have been initiated in recent years. To date, however, it is unclear whether these pilot programs have had their intended effect of reducing the number of land disputes.
ROME - Leaders of international organizations based in Rome today gathered to highlight the achievements and the real prospects for achieving gender equality. The speakers all agreed accelerating the empowerment of women everywhere is fundamental to achieving a zero hunger world and reaching the world’s new Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
In Kenya, electoral disputes can generate powerful emotions, leading to conflict, unrest and even violence. Electoral dispute resolution (EDR) remains a critical element in the electoral cycle that helps secure the integrity of elections and also curbs electoral-related violence.