Advocating for rule of law solutions to ensure food security for all

Human rights and the rule of law are not synonymous, but they do overlap and function symbiotically. In the words of UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, they "represent universally applicable standards adopted under the auspices of the United Nations and must therefore serve as the normative basis for all United Nations activities in support of justice and the rule of law."
To summarize, the stronger human rights, the stronger the rule of law. Together, they form a framework for decision- and policy-making that is anchored by legality, accountability and participation. In this, they create a fertile ground for development and social transformation.
At any given time in the world, 11.5 million people spend their days behind bars, often pending trial and in overcrowded cells. Prisons operating above their occupancy limits are difficult to manage. In many countries, this translates into corrections systems where international human rights standards and respect for the rule of law are rarely implemented.
Statement by the Director-General Jan Beagle on Human Rights Day
10 December 2021
Every year, the world recalls the United Nations General Assembly’s adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights on 10 December 1948. We reflect on improvements made to date and renew our commitment to ensure the full enjoyment of human rights.
Tuesday, 31 August 2021 | 9:00 – 13:00 CEST
Regional Practitioner Dialogue: Community Paralegals, Customary and Informal Justice Systems, and New Pathways to People-Centred Justice
Policy Statements
Policy Statements
Policy Statements