This sub-project aimed to enhance quality access to justice in Burkina Faso by strengthening the capacity of local civil society organizations (CSOs) on rules, procedures and principles of the criminal justice chain. The Centre pour la Qualité du Droit et la Justice (CQDJ) delivered a series of training sessions on judicial means, human rights monitoring and reporting tools, providing technical support and developing a set of guides on provision of legal and judicial assistance for CSOs members in order to increase their capacity to identify, monitor and report human rights violations. The implementing partner also enhanced the knowledge of the vulnerable population on legal and judicial mechanisms to access justice, by organizing information and awareness-raising sessions on available judicial mechanisms. Furthermore, and in order to strengthen the relationship between CSOs and criminal justice chain actors, CQDJ organized exposure visits within local justice institutions fostering learning by CSOs of the criminal justice system and allowing a mutual exchange of challenges faced by the population in accessing justice and ideas to overcome such challenges with an integrated approach.
Implementing Partner:
Centre pour la Qualité du Droit et la Justice (CQDJ)
Sub-Project title:
Facilitation de l’Accès a la Justice par le Renforcement de Capacités des Organisations de la Société Civile Locales en Matière de Justice Pénale
Amount awarded:
XOF 59,033,500
April, 2023 to November, 2023
Open call