International Development Law Organization
Implementing Partner: 
Sain Tus Khugjliin Guur NGO
Sub-Project title: 
Against Domestic Violence
Amount awarded: 
MNT 19,850,000
March, 2021 to January, 2022

This sub-project aimed to strengthen the response to domestic violence (DV)  through intermediary services, and raise awareness on the revised Law on Combating Domestic Violence (2016) among the local community in the Jargalant soum, Khovd aimag. In order to achieve these objectives, the Sain Tus Khugjliin Guur (STKG) delivered a series of training sessions on women and children’s rights, DV prevention and available referral services to community members, and provided legal counselling and referral services to victims of DV. STKG also organized focus group discussions to determine the community’s knowledge on GBV and DV; supported the establishment of community clubs, disseminated brochures and broadcasted promotional videos on GBV/DV to help raising awareness on related issues and available legal tools.

Open call