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SDG 16 Conference 2024 Closing Remarks

Statement by the Director-General, Ms Jan Beagle

Monday, 6 May 2024
United Nations Headquarters in New York
Madame President of ECOSOC,
Ambassador Greco,
Under-Secretary-General Li,
Distinguished delegates,

As we come to the close of this year’s conference, I want to thank all the panellists, and speakers who have contributed to our rich discussions.

I would like to thank our partners Italy and DESA for their continued partnership and commitment to SDG 16.

Once again, we heard today that the slow, uneven progress towards the 2030 Agenda has been further knocked off track by the multitude of intersecting crises.

But our discussions also underscored the importance of SDG 16 and the key role it can play in shaping a more peaceful, just, and equitable world, as an essential enabler and accelerator of the Sustainable Development Goals.

As President Mattarella emphasized this morning, peace and development have intertwined destinies.

We heard today inspiring examples of innovative solutions that can unlock new opportunities and transform the way we approach peace, justice, and good governance.

Governments shared new approaches to crisis response, transitions and capacity building for inclusive societies.

Multilateral institutions highlighted frameworks to prevent conflict and sustain peace, to combat corruption, and to address inequalities.

Civil society showcased good practices at the community level – from resolving disputes to increasing legal literacy and monitoring to expose impunity and lack of accountability.

The renewed Rome Declaration by members of civil society contains many timely messages, especially moving from rhetoric and promises to action, and will be a key reference point for all of us.

Young leaders demonstrated the importance of empowering youth networks and ensuring their meaningful participation in policy making and implementation.

These examples demonstrate that change is not only possible, but already underway in communities around the globe.

They are a reminder of the transformative power of SDG 16 and the impact it can have on people's lives.

It is clear that by working together across sectors and borders, we can achieve far more than any one of us could accomplish alone.

We need to think holistically, as the President of ECOSOC has said.

Whole of society approaches are fundamental for the inclusion of women, youth, indigenous communities, and other marginalized groups.

So, as we leave this conference, despite the challenges, I am filled with optimism and renewed determination.

Let us move forward with a sense of urgency and purpose.

Let us commit to turning our ideas and commitments into tangible actions.

Let us continue to champion SDG 16 in our work at local, national, and international levels.

And to invest in the rule of law and people-centred approaches to justice and governance in national budgets and in ODA.

It is essential to rebuild trust between people and public institutions.

The Summit of the Future will be a key opportunity for ensuring greater political and financial support for SDG 16, the rule of law and good governance.

We hope that there will be prominence for the issues discussed today in the Ministerial Declaration at HLPF and in the Pact of the Future.

We thank the President of ECOSOC for her ongoing strong support.

IDLO will do its part to champion SDG16, and close the justice gap, and to partner with all of you to build a future where peace, sustainable development and justice can be a lived reality for all.

There is no better investment that we can make in our collective future and it is the best way for us to stand in solidarity with future generations.

Let us stay connected as we continue on this shared journey.