IDLO organized the first interregional meeting of justice chain actors across its four program locations in Mali from February 27 – 28 in Bamako, continuing its efforts to strengthen the criminal justice chain in the country.
The first of its kind following the launch of the program in December 2016, the meeting convened members of the cadres de concertation, or consultation groups, from the regions of Mopti, Gao, Timbuktu and Ségou.
Organized in collaboration with Mali’s Ministry of Justice, the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to Mali, and the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali (MINUSMA), the meeting drew high-level participation. Alongside members of the program’s consultation groups, 42 guests from civil society, government institutions and partner organizations were in attendance, including the Malian Minister of Justice, Ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to Mali, Deputy Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General in Mali and the representative of the European Union Capacity Building Mission in Mali (EUCAP Sahel Mali).
Recognizing the occasion of IDLO’s 30th anniversary year, IDLO Field Program Manager, Mr. Jean Mutabesha, welcomed the participants remarking, “The presence of high-level actors here speaks to the strong collaboration between the Malian Ministry of Justice, the United Nations and the Netherlands, and their commitment to strengthen the justice chain and establish the rule of law in Mali.”
IDLO in Mali
Funded by the Government of the Netherlands, IDLO’s 5-year program responds to the extensive justice needs across Mali after the 2012 – 2013 conflict left institutions lacking capacity to deliver judicial services to citizens.
The program is innovative in its design in that it places a premium focus on local ownership and direction to inform its activities by holding cadres de consultations with actors throughout the justice chain, from police officers to prison wardens to lawyers.
Sharing experiences
The interregional meeting was a unique opportunity for stakeholders from the different regions to get together to share accomplishments, challenges and regional specificities to find best practices that could strengthen the program in the future.
The speakers recognized the importance of the Mali-Netherlands cooperation as well as IDLO’s contribution to efforts on the ground.
The Minister of Justice, Mr. Hamidou Younoussa Maïga, urged partners to take note of the impact of the activities and use this information to develop fresh direction in 2018.
IDLO Field Program Manager in Mali, Mr. Jean Mutabesha (center) speaks to Deputy Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General in Mali, Ms. Mbaranga Gasarabwe (left) and Ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to Mali, H.E. Mr. Jolke Oppewal (right) |
IDLO's Mr. Mutabesha speaks to Mali's Minister of Justice Mr. Hamidou Younoussa Maïga (left) |