28 November 2023
IDLO Member Parties unanimously re-elected Jan Beagle to a second four-year term as Director-General of the International Development Law Organization (IDLO) during IDLO’s annual Assembly of Parties held at the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Rome.
A seasoned diplomat from New Zealand, Ms. Beagle brings a wealth of experience, including a distinguished career at the United Nations, where she served in many senior positions, including Under-Secretary General for Management.
Since starting her first term as Director-General in 2020, Ms. Beagle guided IDLO’s response to COVID-19 and oversaw the development of the organization’s Strategic Plan 2021-2024, which promotes people-centred justice and the contribution of the rule of law to peace and sustainable development. Member Parties acknowledged IDLO’s commitment, under her leadership, to promote the rule of law in some of the most fragile contexts and praised the organization's innovative work on issues such as gender equality, health, climate justice and inclusive economic growth in a challenging global environment.
The Assembly of Parties elected the United States as President, Mongolia as Vice-President, with Host Country, Italy continuing as IDLO’s ex-officio Vice President. Kuwait and the Philippines were elected to the organization’s Standing Committee and Kuwait, Italy and the Türkiye renewed their terms on the Audit and Finance Committee.
As IDLO marks its 40th anniversary, the organization remains dedicated to its vision of which every person lives in dignity and equality under the rule of law.