The continued challenges Mongolia faces in implementing its anti-corruption reforms demonstrate a clear need for improvement in the immediate detection of corruption cases and stronger international cooperation and mutual legal assistance in corruption-related criminal matters. To ensure momentum, an ongoing commitment to undertaking anti-corruption reforms is crucial, and these efforts should be complemented with more effective oversight by the civil society of Mongolia, aimed at scrutinizing whether the Government properly implements its National Anti-Corruption Strategy, as well as in ensuring compliance with Mongolia’s international obligations.
Funded by the Government of the United States of America (USG), through the United States Department of State, Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs (INL), IDLO is implementing a project to improve investigation and prosecution of corruption cases by the Independent Authority Against Corruption (IAAC), the Prosecutor General’s Office (PGO) and relevant justice sector agencies. Through targeted capacity development efforts, improved coordination and broader engagement, the project seeks to address the persistent challenges posed by grand corruption in Mongolia. The project will also support the IAAC with its self-assessment of the 2016 National Anti-Corruption Program, and support the effective development, adoption and implementation of a new National Anti-Corruption Program (2023-2030).