Organisation Internationale de Droit du Développement
Implementing Partner: 
Service de Développement Intégré (SDI)
Sub-Project title: 
Education aux Meilleures Pratiques d’Abandon des Violences Basées sur le Genre, au Dialogue avec les Détenteurs de Droits Coutumiers, avec la Justice Formelle et l’Accès des Survivantes à la Justice
Amount awarded: 
XOF 52,457,670
février, 2023 - janvier, 2024

This sub-project aimed to improve women's access to justice and knowledge on best practices to fight gender-based violence (GBV) in Konobougou and Ségou, Mali. Service de Développement Intégré (SDI) delivered a series of training sessions for local community leaders on GBV and their roles and responsibilities in the fight against GBV. Furthermore, the implementing partner established and supported a community dialogue framework among local actors of the criminal justice chain to discuss and raise awareness of women’s rights and foster the adoption of two (2) communal protocols for implementation of gender-sensitive planning and budgeting by the communal councils. SDI also worked to establish and operationalize two (2) community committees for the orientation of GBV survivors and the monitoring of GBV cases. Finally, SDI delivered a series of capacity development activities for women, girls and youth on GBV and available legal, health and psychological assistance for victims and survivors of GBV; the beneficiaries were, in turn, supported in the establishment of committees for the defense and support of GBV victims/survivors.​This sub-project aimed to improve women's access to justice and knowledge on best practices to fight gender-based violence (GBV) in Konobougou and Ségou, Mali. Service de Développement Intégré (SDI) delivered a series of training sessions for local community leaders on GBV and their roles and responsibilities in the fight against GBV. Furthermore, the implementing partner established and supported a community dialogue framework among local actors of the criminal justice chain to discuss and raise awareness of women's rights and foster the adoption of two (2) communal protocols for implementation of gender-sensitive planning and budgeting by the communal councils. SDI also worked to establish and operationalize two (2) community committees for the orientation of GBV survivors and the monitoring of GBV cases. Finally, SDI delivered a series of capacity development activities for women, girls and youth on GBV and available legal, health and psychological assistance for victims and survivors of GBV; the beneficiaries were, in turn, supported in the establishment of committees for the defense and support of GBV victims/survivors.

Open call