One year after the historic adoption of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), world leaders are convening in New York for the 71st Session of the United Nations General Assembly to discuss how to turn the ambitious Agenda 2030 into a reality for people around the world.
The SDGs are founded on imperatives of inclusivity, equity and justice, and with the adoption of Goal 16, many recognize the rule of law as central to the global pursuit of sustainable development. This week, IDLO will be involved in discussions on how to implement this Agenda -- not least, through building institutions and empowering citizens to realize access to justice for all.
The Latest from IDLO at UNGA: |
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#UN4RefugeesMigrants |
IDLO’s Director-General addressed leaders at the UN Summit on Refugees and Migrants on Monday, advocating for action through the rule of law. Read her statement to the plenary addressing vulnerabilities. |
Leaving No One Behind |
"Transformational change requires that we look at sustainable development with a new lens... no injustice can be set right without the rule of law," writes Irene Khan in the Diplomatic Courier. |
Watch the UN General Assembly live |
EVENT: The SDGs and Prosperity for All |
On the margins of the UNGA, IDLO is co-hosting a side event this Friday, September 23rd, with Global Action Platform and other partners to explore sustainable action to achieve prosperity for all. Learn more about the event. 1:00pm United Nations Headquarters, Conference Room 12 New York |
Looking back: IDLO and the SDGs |
Africa Conference | |
Making the rule of law the bedrock of development | |
Resolution for the SDGs |