International Development Law Organization

Transparency and Accountability

Public trust and confidence in justice sector institutions is key to investment and commercial transactions, and necessary for sustainable development and social change. IDLO is engaged in programming that enhances the integrity and capacity of such institutions to promote good governance by holding State and other constituencies, including the private sector, accountable, ultimately leading to people’s confidence in the laws and institutions that are meant to serve them.

IDLO Director-General to visit Kenya to discuss electoral justice and gender equality

Media Advisory: Interview Availability. Nairobi, April 27, 2017 - The Director-General of the International Development Law Organization (IDLO) will visit Kenya from May 3 to 5, 2017 to discuss electoral justice, gender equality and the rule of law with representatives of the Government of the Republic of Kenya, the judiciary, the legislative, diplomatic community, civil society and the women’s movement.

Lessons Learned Brief - Avoiding Violence and Enhancing Legitimacy: Judicial Preparedness for Handling Electoral Disputes in Kenya and Beyond

The Brief (or Lessons Learned Brief), titled Avoiding Violence and Enhancing Legitimacy: Judicial Preparedness for Handling Electoral Disputes in Kenya and Beyond, explores IDLO’s support to the Kenyan judiciary to resolve electoral disputes. The 2007 electoral violence in Kenya demonstrated that disastrous consequences can follow when the electoral dispute resolution system is not trusted to deal fairly and efficiently with contested elections.

Reforming the Kyrgyz Judiciary

IDLO has been working with the Kyrgyz Judiciary to support the establishment of a functional, credible and transparent legal system, since the adoption of the 2010 Constitution. Despite many positive developments, the rule of law sector has faced a number of problems – chief among them inadequate financing, which risks undermining judicial independence and makes access to justice a challenge, as well as transparency and accountability.


Key Initiatives

  • Mongolia's justice system has seen progress in recent years, yet the need for greater judicial transparency, including through improved media coverage of court proceedings, remains. IDLO, with support from the European Union, is working with the Government of Mongolia to tackle the issue through the project "Judicial Engagement and Transparency."
  • The Kyrgyz Republic has made significant strides in working toward improvements to a justice system shaken to the core following the 2010 Revolution. While a wholesale reselection process of judges changed the landscape and provided hope for real change, it also created a judiciary staffed with many inexperienced, under-skilled first-time judges who are more easily exposed to negative influences - both perceived and real. Consequently, the public mistrusts the judiciary and holds a negative perception of it being corrupt, inefficient and dependent on other branches of government.
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