International Development Law Organization

Transparency and Accountability

Public trust and confidence in justice sector institutions is key to investment and commercial transactions, and necessary for sustainable development and social change. IDLO is engaged in programming that enhances the integrity and capacity of such institutions to promote good governance by holding State and other constituencies, including the private sector, accountable, ultimately leading to people’s confidence in the laws and institutions that are meant to serve them.

Integrity and anti-corruption in the Philippines

With rapidly growing economic and social sectors, the improvement of its justice system is key to the Philippines securing the status of a newly developed country. IDLO has been implementing a program in the Philippines to enhance the competency of prosecutors with a view to increasing the successful disposition of cases against public officials and efficiently addressing corruption.

Kenya court decision demonstrates respect for rule of law

September 1, 2017 – Today’s decision by the Kenya Supreme Court demonstrates that the Kenyan Judiciary can effectively and efficiently handle electoral disputes in line with the Constitution, said the International Development Law Organization (IDLO).

“The ruling is a clear demonstration of why supporting the independence of the Judiciary and investing in building judicial capacity, including to resolve electoral disputes, builds the democratic process.”


Key Initiatives

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