Mozambique, Tanzania and Zambia are rich in forests, land and minerals, but have struggled to derive development benefits from these natural resources. Although land use investments can activate economic, social and environmental progress (such as local employment creation, wealth generation and infrastructure establishment), positive development outcomes are not automatic.
IDLO has researched the way national legal and institutional frameworks create incentives for sustainable investment and land use in all three countries.We have partnered with the non-profit Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) to assess the implementation of social and environmental safeguards, and suggest methods of improving the sustainability of land use sectors. We have also developed innovative legal methodologies for analyzing relevant policies, laws and institutions, based on a set of ten global sustainability and sustainable investment standards.
Our initial findings were compiled and presented at the 19th UN Framework Convention on Climate Change Conference of the Parties (UNFCCC COP-19) in Warsaw in November 2013. (More here http://blog.cifor.org/20494/scientists-urge-tact-in-crafting-forest-governance-systems#.U0VMCPmSwb4.) The results of the country studies, as well as a cross-cutting report that extracts principles applicable broadly to the region, will be finalized and distributed to national and international actors in mid-2014.