In 2011, IDLO and IFAD began assessing Mexico’s climate regulations at the federal and state level. The aim was to enhance local capacity to stimulate climate-positive reform and development. With the world’s first Legal Preparedness for Climate Change Assessment Report (L-PAR), IDLO comprehensively analyzed existing and potential laws and regulations on climate change, and identified gaps and innovations.
Drawing on lessons learned, IDLO has been working to strengthen and assist the development of laws and policies to improve access to climate finance for the rural poor – especially women and indigenous communities – in several Mexican states (Chiapas, Guerrero, Oaxaca and the states of the Yucatan Peninsula) as well as in Colombia, Ecuador and Guatemala. Under the second phase of the program (started in 2012), IDLO is forging regional networks and sharing experience on access to green carbon markets in all four countries, as well as promoting climate finance reform across Latin America.