Data, laws and justice innovations to address violence against women during COVID-19
By Ilaria Bottigliero, Rea Abada Chiongson, Marina Elefante, Nupur Prakash and Isabel Micaela Santagostino Recavarren

IDLO firmly believes that good governance and the rule of law is central to managing the COVID-19 crisis and promoting recovery in all countries. Like all other parts of public life, the administration of justice and access to legal remedies and dispute resolution have been severely disrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic. The capacities of legal systems even in the most developed countries have been affected, with courts in some places slowing their ability to process cases or even shutting down. Countries and communities around the world in situations of conflict or fragility are particularly vulnerable to the social stresses being brought by the pandemic and must be supported to develop stronger governance systems including justice sector institutions through locally owned and context specific interventions.
As it continues to implement rule of law and justice programs, IDLO is guided by the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development – particularly Sustainable Development Goal 16 as an enabler of peace, justice, inclusion, and all of the other SDGs – in its response to the pandemic and will adapt interventions accordingly. Efforts will focus on the importance of effective public health law frameworks, the need to ensure protection of the most vulnerable members of society, and promoting a just, sustainable and equitable recovery.
By Ilaria Bottigliero, Rea Abada Chiongson, Marina Elefante, Nupur Prakash and Isabel Micaela Santagostino Recavarren
International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women
Foreign Affairs Committee, Italian Chamber of Deputies
I would like to start by expressing my deep appreciation for this opportunity to present IDLO and its contribution to the 2030 Agenda.
Violence against women has long been recognized as a global epidemic, and the COVID-19 pandemic has significantly escalated threats to women’s safety, security and access to justice.
Sound legal and policy frameworks are key enablers in ensuring effective prevention, detection, and response to Public Health Emergencies of International Concern and other public health risks. The International Health Regulations, developed in 2005, is a legally binding instrument requiring States to develop core capacities for rapid detection of and response to public health emergencies such as COVID-19.
United Nations General Assembly – Economic and Financial Committee (2nd Committee) General Debate: “Building Back Better after COVID-19: Ensuring a more Equitable Global Economy, Inclusive Societies and Sustainable Recovery”
Mr. Chairman,
On World Food Day, IDLO joins the international community in its call to ensure and promote access to safe and nutritious food globally and for all.
Professor Signorelli, Dr Azzopardi Muscat, fellow panelists and distinguished Congress delegates,
It is a great pleasure to address the 16th World Congress on Public Health.
Policy Statements