This sub-project aimed to increase access to justice through an enhanced and efficient penal justice system. In order to enhance the quality of penal judicial assistance and improve detention conditions for detainees in Mopti and Bandiangara, the Organisation pour le Développement Intégré au Sahel (ODI-Sahel) implemented detention centre monitoring activities in collaboration with justice actors; delivered training sessions to relevant justice actors, including religious and community leaders, on gender-based violence (GBV) and the provision of legal and judicial services; strengthened justice actors’ operational capacity by providing them with data collection equipment and tools; organized information and sensitization sessions for the community on access to justice and the roles and functioning of the judicial system; and provided logistical assistance to the detention centres of Mopti and Bandiagara, by equipping the national police and gendarmerie investigation units with computers and office supplies. Furthermore, ODI-Sahel established and operationalized a framework for the protection of rights of those facing trials and survivors of GBV through the organization of awareness-raising activities on GBV and access to justice for the community, and the organization of community forums led by gender focal points and lawyers to increase the synergy of actions between the actors of the penal justice system, civil society organizations, and community leaders.