International Development Law Organization
Implementing Partner: 
LEOS Dornod
Sub-Project title: 
Prevention of Gender-Based Violence
Amount awarded: 
MNT 19,950,000
March, 2021 to December, 2021

This sub-project aimed to increase access to legal assistance and referral services for victims of gender-based violence (GBV) and domestic violence (DV). In cooperation with local Government authorities, including the Family, Children and Youth Development Agency, and other civil society organizations, Liberal Emegteichuudiin Oyunii San (LEOS Dornod) raised awareness of the available referral services for DV victims through the development of a website and integrated online courses for the community of the Dornod province, and through the dissemination of promotional materials on DV prevention and referral services in public spaces, such as schools, shops and hospitals. LEOS Dornod also delivered training sessions on GBV/DV prevention, referral services and mediation / legal aid skills to paralegals who provide counselling services with the implementing partner at the One-Stop Centres for victims of GBV/DV. Moreover, LEOS Dornod organized information sessions and advocacy activities with Government agencies responsible for DV issues to advocate for strengthened cooperation in improving access to primary legal and social services for victims of GBV/DV.

Open call