International Development Law Organization
Implementing Partner: 
Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law (RWI)
Sub-Project title: 
Supporting Prison Reforms in Kenya
Amount awarded: 
USD 685,000
October, 2024 to September, 2025

This sub-project aims to support the efforts of the Kenyan State Department for Correctional Services (SDCS) to deliver services aligned with international standards. The Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law (RWI) is supporting alignment of the Prison Information Management System (PIMS) with international standards, and delivering a training on its access, use and maintenance to prison staff. The implementing partner is also supporting alignment of the National Correctional Services Policy and Correctional Services Bill (2024) to international standards of corrections management and development of standard inspection tools for the Kenya Prison Service (KPS).  Furthermore, RWI is developing training modules on emergency procedures and management of high-risk prisoners; supporting the SDCS in the development of its e-learning platform for prison staff; delivering a 10-day Training of Trainers for prison officers and instructors for them to – in turn - provide coaching and mentorship services to prison staff, and deliver training sessions to KPS senior leaders on the specialized areas identified in the training modules. Finally, in collaboration with National Council on the Administration of Justice, RWI is delivering a training session to judges, magistrates, prosecutors, probation and police officers on the practical implementation of prison decongestion strategies in the administration of justice.

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