Strengthening Climate Justice in Somaliland: The Role of ADR Centres

Climate change contributes to mounting competition over scarce land and natural resources in Somaliland. Conflicts between farmers and pastoralists over land tenure and access to water are intensifying and threaten peace and stability, particularly in rural areas. Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Centres in Somaliland offer redress for basic criminal and civil law disputes, including many disputes generated or exacerbated by climate change, while strengthening safeguards for the rights of excluded and marginalized groups like women and children.
The issue brief Strengthening Climate Justice in Somaliland: The Role of ADR Centres provides an overview of key justice challenges caused or aggravated by the effects of climate change in Somaliland, and outlines opportunities for addressing these challenges through the ADR Centres. In doing so, it aims to showcase how working at the intersection of Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 13 (climate action) and SDG 16 (peaceful, just, and inclusive societies) is key to achieving climate justice, by enabling more inclusive, equitable, and effective climate action while ensuring that the most climate-vulnerable people are not left behind.
This issue brief is part of a series on ADR Centres that also includes Enabling Access to Justice for Survivors of Gender-based Violence Against Women in Somaliland.