Committee on Food Security 44
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
October 9, 2017
Delivered by Judit Arenas, Director - External Relations, IDLO
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Ladies and gentlemen,
The International Development Law Organization, IDLO, is pleased to attend this 44th session of the Committee on Food Security for the first time and we are grateful to the Bureau and the Secretariat for facilitating our participation as an observer.
IDLO is an intergovernmental organization outside of the UN system. Our mandate is different to that of other Rome-based agencies in that food is not at its core, rather we have an exclusive focus on promoting the rule of law. Our work is intrinsically linked.
In adopting the 2030 Agenda the international community set out an ambitious challenge that is relevant to all of us here. IDLO has advocated for the inclusion of the rule of law and access to justice as being critical to the SDGs. Why? Because the rule of law is both an outcome and enabler of sustainable development. As the former President of the UN General Assembly aptly described it, SDG16 positions the rule of law as a “golden thread that runs through the tapestry of the SDGs”.
Madam Chair,
As delegates discuss how to end and prevent famines, and how to ensure food security, IDLO hopes that we can contribute by bringing in the rule of law dimension.
The 2017 SOFI Report is a stark reminder that urgent, multi-disciplinary action needs to be taken as chronic food crises in many countries and regions has worsened this year and four countries are on the brink of famine.
As IDLO’s Director-General stated at the World Humanitarian Summit, the international community must recognize that investing in the rule of law is as much part of the humanitarian agenda as providing food, water, shelter and health services.
In order to achieve food security we must not only ensure the availability of adequate food. Achieving food security is also about eradicating systemic barriers that lead to the unequal production, procurement and distribution of food.
As the distinguished delegates know, ending hunger can contribute greatly to peace and stability. As we discuss the importance of preventing famines and building sustainable peace, it is necessary to recognize the importance of investing in the rule of law as a means of achieving food security, recognizing that this contributes to building stable and resilient countries.
IDLO stands ready to make available its strong capacity for legal analysis and research, its operational capacity to provide technical assistance and its voice to advocate for the key contribution that the rule of law and human rights make to ensure food security and nutrition for all.
Likewise, IDLO reaffirms its commitment to the CFS to make available its expertise as relevant to its deliberations and to work together with other Rome-based agencies make zero-hunger for all a reality.
The International Development Law Organization (IDLO) enables governments and empowers people to reform laws and strengthen institutions to promote peace, justice, sustainable development and economic opportunity.