Myanmar's third Rule of Law Centre, a joint UNDP-IDLO initiative, has opened in Taunggyi, the capital of Shan State. The Centre will promote knowledge of the law, as well as training in skills and values, for legal professionals and community leaders. The first training course includes interactive modules on criminal law, the national legal system, ethics and equality.
“Focusing on how to implement the rule of law so that people – especially marginalized groups – can have equal rights and access to justice is critical at this point in Myanmar’s history,” said Soe Moe Kyaw, IDLO’s National Program Manager for the Rule of Law Centres Project.
Shan State is a multi-ethnic territory, with a history of instability and armed rebellions -- although in recent years, ceasefires have been signed with most armed groups. Myanmar's Rule of Law Centres (a total of four are planned) are designed to promote models of local empowerment and access to justice. They are seen as part of the country's wider effort to strengthen democratic practices and responsiveness to citizen's concerns.