IDLO offers its full support to the next United Nations Secretary-General, Antonio Guterres, who was sworn in this week. IDLO’s Director-General, Irene Khan, congratulated him on his appointment and praised his political and humanitarian experience which, she said, gives him ‘a unique understanding of the challenges outside and inside the UN.’
“Now, perhaps more than ever in recent history, the world needs at the highest level of the United Nations a leader of your stature, vision, values and courage to resist the rising tide of intolerance and narrow nationalism, and to advance a global, unifying agenda for peace, justice and sustainable development,” Ms. Khan said.
IDLO works closely with the UN to strengthen the rule of law as an important means of eradicating poverty, reducing inequalities and building peaceful, inclusive societies. The organization has Permanent Observers to the United Nations – and offices - in New York and Geneva.