International Development Law Organization

Symposium on Human Rights in South Sudan

To promote greater awareness and dialogue on contemporary human rights issues in South Sudan, the College of Law (COL) at the University of Juba in South Sudan, supported by IDLO, will host a three-day Symposium, providing a platform for academic discussion on important legal, political and human rights topics.

The Symposium is significant for the COL as it seeks to re-establish itself as an institution since the 2011 relocation to Juba. The COL is responsible for educating future justice actors in terms of the common law, English-language system adopted by South Sudan. IDLO partners with the COL to build capacity to provide relevant legal education at the COL.


The Symposium will bring together key subject matter experts from the region together with national policy makers and leading legal practitioners in South Sudan. A series of discussion papers will be presented and discussed addressing the following topics:

  • Enshrining human rights in the constitution
  • Empowering citizenry and enhancing human rights awareness
  • Developing institutions to administer justice consistently, transparently

Documents related to the symposium are available below for download below. 

The College of Law (COL) at the University of Juba in South Sudan plays a key role in ensuring that the next generation of justice sector professionals are adequately prepared to enter the legal profession in South Sudan. Since its relocation from Khartoum to Juba in 2011, the College of Law has graduated four classes of law graduates (2012, 2013, 2014 and 2015) and currently has 250 law students registered in first and third year LL.B. programs.