During the 17th Meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific Technical and Technological Advice (SBSTTA) of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), IDLO hosted an official Side Event on October 17, 2013 to discuss the latest findings by global researchers on promising country experiences with biodiversity laws. These findings were compiled and released for comment in four draft Scoping Papers designed to set out the existing state of knowledge on legal aspects of implementing Aichi Targets 3, 11, 14 and 16. The Scoping Papers set out a foundation for further study under the Initiative to build up knowledge on these themes, relating to legal support for biodiversity incentives, protected areas, ecosystem services and the Nagoya Protocol, respectively. An Expert Workshop was also held to gather expert feedback on the four draft Scoping Papers. The events were hosted with support from the Swiss Federal Office of the Environment and ABS Capacity Development Initiative and featured research developed through collaborative efforts of experts from IDLO, CISDL, IUCN, Natural Justice, and the Indian Environmental Law Offices.
For the video featuring the Initiative’s global researchers, click here.