Enabling justice for women - Strategic and practical lessons on gender integration in rule of law and justice programming
In many parts of the world, justice for women remains an illusion. There exists an enormous gap between the needs of women and girls and the response delivered by rule of law and justice programs. Integrating a gender approach in justice programming is crucial to addressing unequal power relations in society and enabling a long-term transformation.
Over the past decades, there has been an increasing number of calls to ensure the centrality of gender concerns in the design, implementation and evaluation of all international development policies, programs and other interventions. Nevertheless, integrating gender in rule of law and justice work continues to be extremely challenging - particularly in situations where programming occurs in fragile and conflict situations.
Organized in partnership with the Knowledge Platform Security & Rule of Law, the event will elaborate on insights and lessons learned on integrating gender in rule of law and justice work through the following panels:
Integrating gender in our work - What does it look like?
- Supporting the Work of Specialized Prosecution Units in Afghanistan, Leslie Schneider, Senior Advisor, IDLO Afghanistan
- Enhancing the Efficiency of the Sexual Offenses Court in Liberia, Teresa Mugadza, Country Manager, IDLO Liberia
- Addressing Sexual and Gender-based Violence through Rule of Law Centers, Christina Beninger, former Country Manager, IDLO Myanmar
- IDLO’s Gender Strategy: Assessing What Works and Why, Rea Abada Chiongson, Senior Legal Advisor on Gender, IDLO (Moderator)
Gender and justice programming - Global experiences and lessons
- Lessons Learned and Examples from Implementing Sweden’s Feminist Foreign Policy, Mrs. Anna Wrange, Counsellor, Multilateral Affairs, Embassy of Sweden in the Netherlands
- From Papua New Guinea to Sierra Leone: Lessons on Adjudicating Gender-based Crimes, Teresa Doherty, Judge, Residual Court for Sierra Leone
- Women, Internally-Displaced Persons and Transitional Justice: Lessons for Programming, Cecilia Jimenez-Damary, Special Rapporteur on the Human Rights of Internally Displaced Persons
- Siobhan Hobbs, Legal and Programme Director, Women’s Initiative for Gender Justice (Discussant)
- Anna Koppel, Senior Program Coordinator, IDLO (Moderator)
10:00 – 12:30 | Thursday, October 25, 2018 | IDLO Office, Hofweg 9E, The Hague, Netherlands
Light lunch and refreshments will be served after
Please RSVP to IDLO’s The Hague office here (thehague@idlo.int)
The panel is organized by IDLO and the Knowledge Platform Security and Rule of Law.
Photo copyright: Flickr-Kathy Oliver