In late 2010, Montenegro was officially recognized as a European Union candidate country. Two years later, formal talks opened. As Montenegro negotiates accession, IDLO has been working to expand the capacity of the country’s judiciary in commercial law, and to improve familiarity with EU standards. We have collaborated with the Judicial Training Centre (JTC), Montenegro’s only national institution dealing with the professional education of judges, and provided practical training on competition law and intellectual property. The former training touched on restrictive agreements, monopolies, and price discrimination; the latter, on patents, trademarks and copyright law.
Montenegro Insolvency Handbook
A practical tool containing an overview of current Montenegrin legislation in the field of insolvency law, as well as a compilation of relevant international norms, such as Judicial materials on the UNCITRAL Model Law on Cross-Border Insolvency, Model Law on Cross-Border Insolvency of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law, published for the first time in Montenegrin, and relevant EU legislation in Croatian. This handbook, developed with support from the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, is a practical tool for the judges, other legal practitioners and scholars.
Montenegro Maritime Law Handbook
This Handbook includes an analysis of current Montenegrin maritime legislation, as well as notions on International Maritime Law, including maritime safety, security and protection of the environment. This tool is addressed to the judges, legal practitioners, marine port authorities and other maritime industry professionals.