A strong regime of intellectual property (IP) law is crucial for fostering increased investment and innovation in key sectors of the economy. In recent years Tunisia has focused on building and implementing a policy for attracting foreign investment. Following the adoption of the new constitution, many laws regulating the economy were revised and a new investment code was adopted. The Tunisian government has also strengthened the legal framework for protecting IP, by acceding to the majority of treaties relating to IP and passing several laws on these matters.
At the same time, IP law is a highly specialized area of law. Judges in Tunisia first received formal training in 2016 when the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development’s (EBRD) Legal Transition Team developed a project to improve the capacity of Tunisian judges in IP law, in cooperation with the Tunisian Ministry of Justice and the High Judicial Institute of Tunisia. Now, in partnership with EBRD, IDLO is implementing a project to build the sustainability of the system for training judges on IP protection in Tunisia. The project will entail a training of trainers focused on IP protection, as well as mentoring by international and local experts, including through post-training mentoring. IDLO will work with international and local trainers to ensure that the training is adapted to the local context, and that judge trainers are in a position to deliver the modules independently in the future, including in international contexts.