Organisation Internationale de Droit du Développement

Fighting corruption in the Bahamas

Corruption is a complex social, political and economic problem which undermines democracy, human rights and governance by weakening state institutions, eroding public confidence and hindering the pathway towards sustainable development. The 2019 Transparency International Global Corruption Barometer found that 80% of citizens of the Bahamas considered corruption in government to be an important issue. Although, the current government is concentrating efforts in promoting integrity and transparency, there is still a need to address these concerns and strengthen the Bahamas’ legal framework.

Funded by the United States Department of State, IDLO is implementing a project that aims to support the efforts of the Government of the Bahamas to promote transparency, integrity, and accountability. Under the project, IDLO will work to provide technical assistance to prosecutors in the Department of Public Prosecutors in preparing cases for hearings as well as conduct coaching and mentoring activities to polish prosecutorial skills in handling corruption cases. Furthermore, IDLO will convene an inter-Ministerial working group to build consensus around the Integrity Commission Bill and other proposed anti-corruption legislation and to provide technical support for reforms of Bahamian policy on corruption.  Finally, IDLO will meet with key government officials and ministries to present the roadmap and gather feedback towards the final validation of the national anti-corruption policy.

Photo Credit: Flicker/James Willamor
