Legal Empowerment
Rights mean little if those entitled to them are not aware they exist. Due process is of doubtful value when you are illiterate, or unable to understand the proceedings. Courts are next to worthless for those who cannot afford the bus fare to reach them. Nor should justice be about courts alone. For all these reasons, legal empowerment is crucial. Part of IDLO's bottom-up (or demand side) approach, it involves equipping people with the knowledge, confidence and skills to realize their rights. Even as we work to improve the functioning of justice systems, we strengthen citizens' capacity to press for justice from below.
The rule of law only exists to the extent that it works for all.
Capacity Building of the Mediation Center in Tajikistan
Alternative dispute resolution, and in particular mediation, is finally gaining momentum in Tajikistan. Previous attempt to introduce law on mediation in Tajikistan have not been successful and consequently there is currently no formal legal framework for mediation. In the first phase of the project, the International Development Law Organization worked to promote commercial mediation and build momentum for its expansion. However, there is still the need to provide assistance to the Chamber of Commerce and Industry Mediation Center and improve its effectiveness.
Countering violent extremism through improved community reconciliation in Somalia
As a result of the combined military offensive of the Somali National Army and African Union Mission in Somalia with international support, the Al Shabaab extremist group has been significantly degraded and forced into retreat. Al Shabaab’s emergence, and support, particularly among marginalized communities, was and is still to a large extent fueled by both inter and intra-clan conflicts and lack of justice.
La gestion de projet innovante et inclusive de l’IDLO renforce son partenariat au Mali
Les activités que mène l’IDLO au Mali depuis 2015 ont toutes un dénominateur commun : une approche centrée sur les individus en quête de justice, sur l’appropriation locale des changements apportés ainsi que sur les spécificités de chaque contexte dans lequel elle intervient.
Enhancing the role of Myanmar's paralegals for SGBV survivors
In recent years, paralegals have become a part of the justice chain in Myanmar, playing an increasingly important role in raising legal awareness and supporting access to justice for Sexual and Gender-Based Violence (SGBV) survivors.
Judicial Capacity Building on the New Armenian Code of Civil Procedure
In April 2018, the Republic of Armenia adopted a new version of the Civil Procedure Code with the aim to expedite cases and increase the efficiency of civil courts. As in most transition countries, implementation of the law by courts and officials is weak and uneven. The judiciary needs to become familiarized with the new Civil Procedure Code and its application within a limited timeframe. Hence, it is critical that judges have a firm grasp of the newly adopted rules, especially related to commercial disputes.
Mobilizing partnerships and boosting innovation as keys to achieve SDG 16 in Indonesia
Kristomo Constantinus: mobilizing partnerships and boosting innovation as keys to achieve SDG 16 in Indonesia
Identifying Pathways to Achieving Access to Justice
Searching for the Cutting Edge: Identifying Pathways to Achieving Access to Justice at the National, Regional and International Level
Afghan Legal Aid Experts and Advocates visit Legal Institutions to learn from Georgia's experience
As part of its efforts to improve access to justice in Afghanistan through the Supporting Access to Justice in Afghanistan II (SAJA II) Program, IDLO organized an exposure visit for the members of the Afghanistan Le
Prevention and accountability for sexual and gender-based violence in Myanmar
Strengthening prevention and accountability for sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) through the rule of law and access to justice has been a priority for the Government of Myanmar since 2011, when it embarked on an unprecedented transition towards democracy. SGBV cases are rarely reported and, when they are, the justice sector fails to provide adequate remedies. Therefore, there is a widely recognized need to increase prevention of and accountability for SGBV.
Key Initiatives
As part of IDLO’s continuous commitment to accountability and results-based management, IDLO is pleased to share this Evaluation Brief for the project, "Strengthening Linkages Between Formal Justice System and Traditional Dispute Resolution System to Improve Access to Justice - Phase II". The evaluation has been conducted by independent evaluation experts, supervised by IDLO’s Evaluation Unit.
As part of IDLO’s continuous commitment to accountability and results-based management, IDLO is pleased to share this Final Evaluation Brief (summarised evaluation report): “Supporting Access to Justice in Afghanistan (SAJA)”. The evaluation has been conducted by independent evaluation experts, supervised by <
As part of IDLO’s continuous commitment to accountability and results-based management, IDLO is pleased to share this Mid-Term Evaluation Brief (summarised evaluation report): “Supporting Access to Justice in Afghanistan (SAJA)”. The evaluation has been conducted by independent evaluation experts, supervised by IDLO’s Evaluation Unit.
As part of IDLO’s continuous commitment to accountability and results-based management, IDLO is pleased to share this Evaluation Brief for the project, "Enhancing the Capacity of the Legal Professional in Somalia for the Delivery of Justice". The evaluation has been conducted by independent evaluation experts, supervised by IDLO’s Evaluation Unit.
Latest Activity
16 mars, 2022 |