Organisation Internationale de Droit du Développement
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Since the genocide of 1994, where approximately one million people perished, Rwanda has made tremendous progress in many areas of social welfare. The country is one of the most noted examples, both globally and on the African continent, of fast economic growth and successful post-war reconstruction. Significant development successes over the last decade include high economic growth, rapid poverty reduction and, since 2005, reduced inequality. In addition to this, the country strives for strong political stability, as reflected in the adoption of a new Constitution in 2003. Rwanda is also known for having the highest female representation in Parliament compared to any other nation, with 64% of women in the Lower House.

IDLO is supporting the country’s progress by implementing a project aiming to strengthen the capacity of Rwandan defense lawyers in international criminal law, in order to provide them with stronger support for dealing with genocide court cases.

IDLO Director-General, Jan Beagle's Statement at the Joint Conference of the East African Chief Justices’ forum and the East African Judicial Education Committee

Statement by the Director-General, Jan Beagle at the Joint Conference of the East African Chief Justices’ Forum and the East African Judicial Education Committee

Honourable Chief Justices,

Members of the East African Judiciaries,

Distinguished Guests,


Key Initiatives

  • Transfer cases dealing with the Rwandan genocide have been adjudicated in Rwanda since 2012, and the number of cases extradited from other countries continues to increase. The procedure in transfer cases is guided in significant part by the practice and substantive precedents set by international tribunals and international criminal jurisprudence. However, international criminal law is a complex and evolving field, and it is critical that Rwandan judges know how to research and apply the latest judicial precedents correctly and effectively.
  • 22 years after Rwanda’s genocide, suspects remain at large and exiled in different countries around the world. Ensuring that they are brought to justice on national soil is a major priority for the Government of Rwanda. As a result of the progress made in recent years in implementing reforms and modernizing the Rwandan justice sector, the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda transferred cases to be tried under Rwandan jurisdiction.
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