Organisation Internationale de Droit du Développement
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Almost two decades since the 1996 peace accords that brought an end to the 36-year-long civil war in Guatemala, justice for wartime atrocities remains elusive. And social inequality is still widespread.

Indigenous – mainly Mayan – communities are disproportionately affected by poverty, and frequently involved in disputes over ancestral lands.

As part of a program on legal preparedness for climate change, IDLO has analyzed the Guatemalan legal framework, focusing on carbon rights and how related activities could reduce conflicts and benefit rural and indigenous communities. The IDLO legal preparedness initiative spans four countries in Latin America.


Key Initiatives

  • In 2016, the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) launched a needs-driven Umbrella Programme to enhance responsible investment in agriculture and food systems with a view to addressing the global challenges of food security and hunger, particularly in low income countries. The work includes support for the application of guidance instruments such as the Principles for Responsible Investment in Agriculture and Food Systems (CFS-RAI), endorsed by the Committee on World Food Security in 2014.
  • The agricultural sector in low income countries has suffered from serious underinvestment for decades, with considerable consequences for long-term food security. The investment needed to eradicate hunger by 2030 has been estimated at US$1.5 billion annual additional investments per year, of which US$276 million is required for rural development and agriculture.
  • With 40 percent of its land covered by forests, Guatemala is richly endowed in biodiversity, and thus well-placed to benefit from a green economy. But as it seeks to make this transition, the country must protect the rights of indigenous communities, whose livelihoods depend on natural resources.
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